Слингобусы – это и оригинальное украшение для мамы, и веселая игрушка для малыша! Для их изготовления используются только безопасные материалы – деревянные бусины разного размера, натуральные нити, атласные ленты, а также различные бубенчики, шуршалки и другие погремушки. Правильно подобранные слингобусы не только подчеркнут индивидуальность мамы, но и станут любимой игрушкой малыша, способной развлечь его на прогулке в транспорте, в очереди и когда он просто заскучает.
Look at the way my friend Wesley Virgin's adventure starts with this SHOCKING and controversial video.
ОтветитьУдалитьAs a matter of fact, Wesley was in the army-and shortly after leaving-he discovered hidden, "mind control" secrets that the government and others used to get everything they want.
THESE are the exact same methods tons of famous people (notably those who "come out of nowhere") and the greatest business people used to become rich and successful.
You probably know how you only use 10% of your brain.
Mostly, that's because the majority of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS.
Perhaps this expression has even taken place IN YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head about 7 years back, while riding an unregistered, beat-up bucket of a car with a suspended driver's license and $3 in his bank account.
"I'm very frustrated with living paycheck to paycheck! Why can't I turn myself successful?"
You've taken part in those thoughts, isn't it so?
Your success story is going to happen. All you need is to believe in YOURSELF.